NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF BARRY COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the Barry County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing for the following:
Case Number: SP-8-2023 Stephannie Castle (Applicant), Stephannie & Jeffery Castle (Property Owner)
Location: 1913 Star School Rd, in Section 21 of Hastings Township.
Purpose: Requesting a special use permit to operate a day care – group pursuant to Article 23, Section 2324 in the RR (Rural Residential) zoning district.
Case Number: SP-1-2022 – Michigan Materials & Aggregate Co. (Applicant/Property Owner)
Location: Miller Road, Delton, in Section 25 of Orangeville Township.
Purpose: Requesting a special use permit to operate a mine for sand and gravel pursuant to Article 23, Section 2351 in the RR (Rural Residential) zoning district.
MEETING DATE: September 25, 2023 TIME: 7:00 PM
PLACE: Tyden Center Community Room 121 South Church Street Hastings, Michigan 49058
Site inspections of the above described property will be completed by the Planning Commission members before the hearing. Interested persons desiring to present their views upon an appeal, either verbally or in writing, will be given the opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned place and time. Any written response may be mailed to the address listed below, faxed to (269) 948-4820, or emailed to Barry County Planning Director James McManus at The special use application is available for public inspection at the Barry County Planning Department, 220 West State Street, Hastings, Michigan 49058, during the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. Please call the Barry County Planning Department at (269) 945-1290 for further information. The County of Barry will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearing upon ten (10) days notice to the County of Barry. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the County of Barry by writing or call the following: Michael Brown, County Administrator, 220 West State Street, Hastings, Michigan 49058, (269) 945-1284.